
September 16, 2014

Seasoned Roasted Potatoes - Recipe Recommendation

I have a super quick recommendation for you.

I was searching online the other day for an easy side to make with a couple of russet potatoes I bought for a steal (.49/lb).  I haven't had potatoes in so long and I wanted to try something different. I came across this SUPER easy recipe on Pinterest.   It was just what I needed.  I highly recommend trying it out.

Head on over to Kristin's page and check out her other tasty recipes as well.  I creeped through her website and have a few on my must-try list.

Note: I forgot to take a photo because I was too busy shoving the goodness in my mouth.  The photo below is Kristin's delicious photo so you can see why should try her recipe.

Seasoned Roasted Potatoes by Iowa Girl Eats

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